firefighter intercom system FireCom is composed by four different
units. A lobby speaker unit with a triangular key for the installation
at the fire fighter landing platform (normaly the building lobby),
a speaker unit for the installation inside the lift cabin, a speaker
unit for the machine room containing the power supply and battery
and one speaker unit for up to 50 floors, if required. All the
units are connected together using a 3 wire bus cabling system.
As required the speaker unit are available for wall or flush mounting
installation, as well as for a installation behind a panel (i.e.
in the lift cabin). The FireCom fire fighter intercom system is
a stand alone communication system to be used as a supplement
to an EN 81-28 emergency lift phone.
The intercom system is activated using the triangular key. After
activation all the connected device will send an alarm tone and
the call button will flash. A speech connection between lobby,
machine room and lift cabin is esthablished automatically. If
now a button at the floor unit is activated a speech connection
will be esthablished with the lift cabin. If a further floor unit
activates a call and the cabin unit is busy with another floor
conversation, the new call will be signalized with an optical
and acusitcal signal and put into a FIFO waiting queue. Pressing
now the speech button in the lift cabin will terminate the actual
connection and answer the first call in the queue. If no more
floor call are in the queue the normal speech connection with
machine room and lobby is restabilshed. During all the time the
machine room and lobby units can listen to the conversation, and,
if needed, talk pressing the press-to-talk button on the device.