the GSM500.4G gateway it is possible to connect a analogue telephone
terminal, or a PBX, directly to the LTE network to realize cost
effective routings using the mobile public network. Further to
the telephone line also a transparent data communication using
RS232, RS485 and CANBus serial interface is provided by the device.
Together with the emergency call system many different applications
can be planed, like the installation of mobile solutions on construction
sites or where the standard telephone network is not available.
Also inside high buildings where the installation of this device
in the machine room near the roof might be cheaper then running
cables up from the basement. Up to 9 ECII FLEX or Helpy emergency
call system units can be connected to one GSM500.4G gateway.
No programming is need at all for the installation. A mini SIM
card with the PIN code 0000 is enough. The unit will delete this
PIN and change it with a random generated one blocking this way
the abuse of the card. But alos SIM card without a PIN code can
be used. For installation with data connectivity the programming
is done easly using SMS. An innovative cloud based application
can provide transparente serial data connection just using the
internet. On the receiving side no other hardware is required
then a PC running the specific VNDNET client application.
The GSM500.4G gateway adapter is delivered with a dual band LTE
antenna and a PSU. It is powered with a 230 Vac mains, or using
a 10 to 17 Vdc voltage. An emergency power supply with battery
backup is integrated in the unit. The battery is tested periodically
and an alarm is send using the emergency phone or an SMS if the
battery fails the test. |