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Press news dated 04.04.2013

Press picture PX24N "in the phone" VoIP PABX
Press picture
CMYK (3113 x 2607 pixel)
Telesis "Nano" VoIP PABX
" in the phone"
(JPG 1,3 MB)

Telesis VoIP PABX now esclusiv by Rocom

Since january 2013 is Rocom exclusiv importer of Telesis A.S. for the DACH region. This is a manufacturer for hybrid VoIP PABX from 10 to 30.000 extensions, ISDN VoIP gateways and VoIP phones.

The Telesis products are extremly flexibel, easy to install and to program. Furthermore they are very reliable and tehy offer a large quantity of unique features. One of the reason is that all the products are based on the same operating system and this means that the smallest system has the same features, as far as applyable, as the large scale system with 30.000 users. This is a big advantage for the installation companies as they have to get the certification only once fro all the systems, and also the peripheral cards are the same for all switches....

Press picture large ISDN VoIP gateway
Press picture
CMYK (2133 x 1324 pixel)
Stillink ISDN VoIP gateway 32 S2M
(JPG 1,0 MB)
Press picture X1 large hybrid VoIP switch
Press picture
CMYK (1053 x 2083 pixel)
Telesis X1 large NGN PABX
(JPG 0,6 MB)
Press news dated 06.06.2012

Press picture myLogic Smarthome
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myLogic: smarthome für everybody

With the new myLogic video intercom systems smarthome features are now available to everybody at a very intersting price. The intergation of home automation and communication systems will now be raised to a new level of possibilities.

myLogic is an new generation of video intercom with stato-of -the-art technology and designed by Nico Smeenk...

Press news dated 02.07.2010

Press picture EC II GSM Gateway
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Press picture EC II SE GSM
Press picture available
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Lift emergency call systems: the future is wireless

Now also in Germany, as well as all over europe, lift emergency call systems can be installed using a GSM wireless communication link.

This technology enables he quick and cheap installation of a lift emergency call system using the wireless GSM mobile phone network....

Press news dated 22.01.2010

Press picture Lift SAFE lift watch dog device
Press picture available
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New lift watch dog device for ECII Flex emergency call system

Rocom has added the new Lift-SAFE watch dog device in the ECII FLEX and ECII SE GSM emergency call systems product offer.

With more then 70.000 world wide installation, and 6.000 installation in Germany, is the ECII emergency call system one of the most popular devices for modernisation and backfitting of lifts. Now Rocom has enlarged the offer about peripheral units for this device with an watch dog system...

Press news dated 23.10.2009

Press picture communication pedestal for Kreissparkasse bank Stendal
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Innovative video communication system for bank in Stendal

Rocom deliveries together with Siemens Building Technologies and Metallbau Schulze an innovative communication pedestal for the customer of the Kreissparkasse bank in Stendal.

Customers visiting the Kreissparkasse bank in Stendal and want to talk with the director secretray can now do this using e new bidirectional video intercommunication system, where they cann't only talk but also see each other...

Press news dated 25.08.2009

Press picture  Echos video intercoms white and grey
Press picture available
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Press picture Echos video intercoms and vandal proofed stainless stelle door station Matrix
Press picture available
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Press picture Exhito video intercom and digital Profilo door station
Press picture available
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DUO: ROCOM presents the new Farfisa 2 wire digital video intercom system

DUO is the name of the new 2 wire digital video intercom system made by FARFISA. It allows the installation of intercom and colour video intercom systems with up to 200 users with traditional or digital door stations.

Duo System is the innovatoove digital bus system with only two wire for the easy and fast installation of b/w, colour video intercom systems or just audio solutions. Also large and complex installation can be realisied, even with internal intercom speech functionality. The video, audio, comand signals and power supply are all provided on only two not polarized wires. This makes the installation and maintenance of the system very simple.
With Duo System we warranty a very high level of performance: up to 200 users with different main and secondary door station can be installed fast, secure and costr effective. Enhanced features like internal intercom service between the users, a programmable ringing tone (up to 13 electronic and musical tones), the ring differentiation between main and secondary entrance, internal and landing call, integrated comands function, in 2010 even a EIB bus interface is planned, and the integration of standard external video cameras are standard. For the Duo System intercoms and video intercoms from the series Echos, Exhito and Compact can be used. All units can provide a high level performance and design for the installation of state-of-the-art audio and video intercom systems. The large displays with 3,5" and 4" can be vertically moved to enable the best view for childrens and parents...

Press news dated 27.03.2009
Press picture EC II FLEX product family
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ECII FLEX: a new generation of lift emergency call system from ROCOM (german release)

The very successful history of EC II lift emergency call system from ROCOM will continue with the new FLEX product family. The complete new developed emegency call system shows a unique version of the basic unit for all different installation versions.

Press news dated 06.06.2008
Press picture Doortello Business with iPhone
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Worldwide wireless video intercom using a smartphone and Doortello Business (german release)

With big interest from visitors and journalists, have we presented on the Light & Building tradeshow of this year an new solution for wireless vidoe intercoms applications. Using a Doortello BusinessTM door phone with integrated IP camera ad a Apple iPhoneTM smartphone we showed how a worldwide reachable wireless video intercom can be realised.

Press news dated 17.09.2007

Press picture Doortello Business (only on demand
Press picture available
on demand

Doortello Business: a quantum jump for door phone applications (german release)

Doortello Business is a new modular door phone for the professional use within industrial and high level private enviroments installations.

Press news dated 01.11.2006
Press picture EC II SE (only on demand
Press picture available
on demand

New ECII SE lift emergency call system (german release)

The successful lift phone ROCOM ECII+ is now available in the enhanced version ECII SE. SE means „System Edition“ where it indicates the features development and enlarged offer of peripheral equipment and device versions. The well known version for the installation behind the panel and the flush installatio will now be expanded by the ALBU version which has an integrated alarm button.

Press news dated 05.12.2005
Press picture EC II + (only on demand
Press picture available
on demand

ECII lift phone now even better (german release)

The lift phone ROCOM ECII is now available in the renewed ECII+ version. THe following feature enhancements are now integrated in the new product: optical pictograms to meet the EN81:70 specifications with yellow/green LED, better test alarm procedure, full „plug-n-play“ installation even if connected to a PABX, interface for the connection of an external loop amplifier for the hearing aid compatibility and much more.

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